Students develop a knowledge base in the following area of visual arts
Students are exposed to a knowledge base of art history, cultural art and careers in art. Art education teaches visual literacy. Student art work is showcased throughout the school year and the 8th grade has the opportunity to design the yearbook cover.
At St. Gabriel School, we have a comprehensive K-8 Health Education curriculum. Based on our appreciation of Catholic teaching, as well as the State of Wisconsin Model Academic Standards, health education at St. Gabriel is intended to promote healthy, life-long habits for living well.
Students develop a knowledge base in the following elements of music:
Our music program is strongly based in vocal music, with concerts given in the school year.
Students at St. Gabriel Catholic School will enjoy and exhibit a physically active lifestyle, demonstrate competency in many forms of movement and proficiency in some, will apply concepts and principles of movement to skill development and understand that physical activity has components of strength, endurance and flexibility.
Students will:
By the end of Grade 4, students will:
By the end of Grade 8, students will:
Students in grades 1-8 are taught by a qualified elementary level language teacher using developmentally appropriate activities to instruct and inform young learners.
We nurture academic excellence while we Proclaim the Word, Form Disciples, and Live a Sacramental Life.
1200 Saint Gabriel Way
Hubertus, WI 53033
Ph: (262) 628-1711
8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
7:40 AM - Drop-Off Begins
7:50 AM - Students Released To Classrooms
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