Cub Scouting is fun! No matter what grade you are in, 1st through 5th, it can be a blast. Do you like to learn by doing? This is just the place. In Cub Scouting, you'll have lots of fun, adventure, and activities with your den and pack. We have a Pack meeting once a month and generally have a Pack activity once a month as well. Our year is highlighted by the annual Daniel Boone Campout at the nearby Daniel Boone Conservation League scout grounds. But there's more to it than that. Cub Scouting is more than something to do. It's all about the boy you are and the person you will become.
Boy Scouting is available to boys who are aged 11 through 17. The program achieves the BSA's objectives of developing character, citizenship, and personal fitness. We have Troop meetings twice a month in addition to Troop outings, such as canoeing, whitewater rafting, hiking, and biking (e.g. Elroy-Sparta Trail). We also participate annually in the Boy Scout Summer Camp at the BSA Camp Long Lake near Fond du Lac.
Girl Scouts is for Daisies (K5) through Cadette (grade 8). Girl Scouts is a girl-centered quality leadership experience that meets the needs of girls in a fast-changing world. It is partnered with adult volunteers, community and infused with the principles of inclusion and diversity. Troop leaders are invited to attend the monthly leader meetings held on the third Tuesday of the month from September through May at the Richfield Village Hall.
The unique Girl Scouting experience begins with the values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Girls discover, connect and take action and build skills that yield the desired outcomes of courage, confidence, and character. Troops usually meet one to two times a month during the school year. During the summer girls have the opportunity to go to some Girl Scout camps if your child desires.
We nurture academic excellence while we Proclaim the Word, Form Disciples, and Live a Sacramental Life.
1200 Saint Gabriel Way
Hubertus, WI 53033
Ph: (262) 628-1711
8:00 AM - 3:15 PM
7:40 AM - Drop-Off Begins
7:50 AM - Students Released To Classrooms
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