Intermediate Grades (4 - 5)

Intermediate Grades (4 - 5)

Characteristics of a Fourth Grade Student

4th Grade Curriculum Guide for Parents

  • enjoy being given responsibility, but still require guidance and direction to keep on track
  • need sets of guidelines and rules to follow
  • enjoy learning new information and facts, but may not reflect deeply on them
  • are generally able to read to learn, having passed the learning-to-read stage
  • learn best by starting with concrete experiences
  • place great emphasis on peer relationships
  • like being and doing things with friends
  • need to belong to a group, particularly an understanding family group
  • often play to the point of exhaustion
  • are becoming quite skillful in motor performance
  • have fine motor skills that vary greatly with the individual
  • have a heightened sense of right and wrong based on fairness
  • are beginning to be able to understand and apply the message in a story
  • strive to incorporate good works into daily living

Characteristics of a Fifth Grade Student

5th Grade Curriculum Guide for Parents

  • are very curious
  • need guidelines and rules to follow
  • have an abundance of energy and are industrious workers
  • need warm and supportive reinforcement from parents and other adults
  • are sensitive to criticism but beginning to realize that criticism is necessary and helpful
  • dislike being criticized in front of their friends
  • transition into puberty, especially among the girls, with physical changes and difficult to control emotions
  • as a group, display wide variations in rate of growth
  • have increased interest in sexuality
  • appreciate and develop personal talents and abilities
  • are still mostly concrete in their thinking while developing expanded language skills
  • recognize signs and symbols, e.g., in games, sports, and clothes
  • have longer attention spans and enjoy reading
  • have a great need to belong, so they make commitments to (sports, fun, service) groups or may belong to peer groups who develop their own codes of behavior
  • enjoy cooperative learning activities with friends
  • learn from role models
  • continue closeness with family, but begin to make choices independent of adults
  • grow in ability to distinguish right and wrong and have a heightened sense of justice
  • begin to be aware of different customs and rituals among people
  • become aware of past, present, and future community experiences, e.g., the Church as a committed community of believers

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