Home & School Association (HSA)

Home & School Association (HSA)


The St. Gabriel Catholic Parish School Home and School Association (HSA) is an organization designed to facilitate the communication between school and family in a Catholic, Christian atmosphere, to build a sense of community, and to support the needs of our school in its missions. HSA’s monthly meetings have a faculty member in attendance to promote the relationship between staff and parents. All parents of St. Gabriel students are members of the organization and are encouraged to get involved.


Each HSA board position is a two-year commitment. The Vice President spends their first year as VP and moves into the President role their second year. Two positions open up each year. Vice President opens yearly and Secretary and Treasurer rotate which opens up each year.

2024-2025 Board Members

  1. Christy Zach, President, term ends June 2025
  2. Jenny Fenzl & Kristen Burg, Co-Vice Presidents, terms end June 2026
  3. Ashley Long, Secretary, term ends June 2026
  4. Shari Waggoner, Treasurer, term ends June 2026

Email us: hsa@sgabriel.org


  • HSA meets on the third Monday of each month during the school year.
  • Meetings are open to all parents and staff.
  • Meetings will be virtual until further notice.
  • Meetings are facilitated by the HSA President or Vice President. Updates are given by the following:
  • Each HSA chair
  • Principal
  • Teacher
  • School Commission

Visit the Zoom meeting link below to attend all their meetings

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 830 9895 0181

Passcode: 7Lj97R


What We Do and How We Do It

Events will vary from year to year. Below are an example of activies that HSA hosts and supports:

$30.00 from each family’s tuition will benefit the HSA

  • Last day of school special lunch
  • The last day of school, each student has an opportunity to order a special lunch (usually pizza from Costco and misc. sides).
  • Middle school dances
  • There is usually one in Fall or Winter and another in Spring. Students pay an admission fee to offset some costs and HSA covers the rest.
  • Trunk or Treat
  • You decorate your trunk and bring candy for all the participants to come trick or treat at your car. There is a fee per car as this is a fundraiser for the HSA.
  • Mom’s or Dad’s night out
  • Fellowship for Moms or Dads of school families to get to know each other.
  • Meals for teachers for conferences
  • Meals for teachers for in-service days
  • Birthday treat bags for each student
  • Scrip choice cards for staff for their birthday
  • Scrip choice cards for staff for Christmas
  • Scrip choice cards for Teacher Appreciation
  • Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Events vary from small, themed gifts, lunch, desserts, covering their outside duties, etc.
  • Grandparents’ Day
  • Providing and serving donuts and coffee to all of our special visitors
  • Read-a-Thon
  • This funds different things each year – in the past, we have funded the Accelerated Reader prize shop, IXL purchase, and new ELA curriculum
  • Candy Bar Bingo
  • Snack Shack
  • Signups go out multiple times per year to assist in stocking this! It provides snacks, treats, and drinks for our teachers to grab throughout the day!
  • Wrap-a-Thon
  • You sign up for a time slot and our elves wrap your gifts! This is a major fundraiser for the HSA.

Have some great fellowship and join us for a meeting!

Room Parents

The Room Parent program is a new one and is open to feedback. Sign-up for Room Parents will come out at the beginning of the year. If multiple people are interested in the position for a particular classroom, there will be a lottery drawing for those rooms.

Duties of the Room Parent are below, but may vary per room:

  • REQUIRED: Coordinate the Class Basket for the Auction under the direction of the Auction Committee
  • Coordinate birthday gifts and/or a birthday celebration for the classroom teacher
  • Coordinate Christmas gifts for the classroom teacher
  • Assist the teacher with any requests they might have (coordinating volunteers, assisting with parties, etc.)

 St. Gabriel Parish School HSA - Check Request/Payment Form 

Please do not combine expenditures from multiple events. Electronic copies of receipts (e.g. scanned or photo captured) are required in order for payment to be processed. One check will be created per form. Please send copies of receipts and check request form via backpack mail or email to HSA treasurer, Shari Waggoner.


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