About Mrs. Lestina

Meet Mrs. Lestina

Mrs. Lestina

Mrs. Lestina


Mrs. Lestina’s Credentials

  • Carroll University - Waukesha
  • Educational Leadership
  • Aurora University - Illinois
  • Masters of Arts in Teaching
  • University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Bachelors of Science - Elementry Education
  • PLTW Launch Classroom Teacher and Lead Teacher Certification
  • Cooperating Teacher/Student Teacher Supervisor - UW Milwaukee
  • 25 years of Teaching Experience


  • Elementary/Middle-Level Education - Lifetime License
  • Director of Instruction - Early Childhood-Adolescence
  • Principal - Early Childhood-Adolescence

More About Mrs. Lestina…

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” - St Theresa of Calcutta

I feel so very blessed to be a part of such a vibrant, caring, faith-filled community. I am a product of Catholic school education and understand the importance of establishing spiritual connections and moral values at a young age. I am honored to be able to play a part in providing this foundation for the students at St. Gabriel. 

My husband, Craig, and I met freshman year at Catholic Memorial High School. We have been married for over 20 years and are the proud parents of two sons. They both graduated from St. Jerome Parish School in Oconomowoc, where we currently live. I hope to see you at all of the various school and parish events. We love being a part of the St. Gabriel family.

Mrs. Lestina's HSA Favorite Things

More about Mrs. Lestina

Favorite Saint - St. Francis of Assisi (I love animals!) and our Mother Mary

Favorite St. Gabriel Memory - Anticipating many fun and exciting moments to come

Favorite Activity Outside of Work - Family time is most precious to me.  It doesn't really matter what we are doing.  I just love having everyone together.

Favorite Children's Book - The Day The Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt

Favorite Place in Wisconsin - Eagle River

Qualities Your Favorite Teacher Possessed - My favorite teacher was knowledgeable, fair, kind, caring and supportive.

Name One Thing On Your Bucket List - European Vacation

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