About Mrs. Ditscheit

Meet Mrs. Ditscheit

Mrs. Ditscheit

After Schoool Learning Program

(ASLP) Leader

Get to know more about Mrs. Ditscheit

Favorite Saint - St. Veronica and St. Francis of Assisi

Favorite St. Gabriel Memory - I don't have a single favorite moment.  Every encounter with the staff and kids at the school is always pleasant.  The school is such a welcoming environment.  There's no shortage of kind smiles, friendly exchanges, or helping hands.  It's a really refreshing and nurturing culture.

Favorite Activity Outside of Work - Anything involving hanging out with my family - whether it's attending sporting events, going to the movies, playing, fishing, or just chilling at home.

Favorite Children's Book - Thank You God for Mommy.  This is a sweet book, but it is my favorite because my little one tells me it is true.

Favorite Place in Wisconsin - Anywhere on a lake on our pontoon boat.

Qualities Your Favorite Teacher Possessed - My 6th grade teacher was my favorite.  She was kind, patient, and gave a lot of homework!  She really challenged us. It was apparent she genuinely wanted us to grasp the material we were learning.

Name One Thing On Your Bucket List - Take a road trip out west in an RV.

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